On Site Fundraisers
This type of fundraiser is advantageous on the day of Relay for Life.
Some ideas that you can incorporate into your Relay for Life Event include:
Raffle an autograph football/basketball of the top sports teams at your school or in the area
Silent Auction with themed baskets and prizes
Jail and Bail: pay to arrest someone and they pay or wait the amount of time to get out of jail
Sell individual flowers to be placed near the Luminaria
Selling army tags in honor or in memory of those living with cancer
Selling food or drinks
Ask Relayers to donate 5 dollars to have a dedication and special song played for the person they are walking for
Onsite hair salon: The hair stylists donate all of their time and set up a salon at the team
campsite right near the track. Charge a minimum donation of $10. Braiding hair can also
be offered. -
Jewelry Sale: Make homemade necklaces and bracelets to sell to family and friends.
Think outside the box: Use this opportunity to increase cancer awareness and support by
using charms or colors. Example: add a pink ribbon charm for breast cancer or purple for
Relay For Life. -
Sporting Tournaments: If facilities allow the space, set up and run a tournament of
some kind with a small entrance fee to participate. Games like wiffleball, basketball,
and tennis work well in this situation.