Holiday Themed Fundraisers
These type of Fundraisers are useful for special occasions.
Some Ideas that you can incorporate into Holiday Fundraisers
Letters from Santa: Charge $5 for parents to submit their children’s letters to Santa and have the Relay ‘elves’ write back to the children before the Holidays.
Holiday Sports Tournaments/Craft Shows: great time to sell food and drinks!
Black Friday: At midnight or early in the week hours while people are standing in line to shop on Black Friday, sell hot coffee, donuts and snacks
Tree of Light: Have a “Tree of Light” ceremony in December. Offer bulbs for a minimum donation of $10 each in honor or memory of someone touched by cancer. Then have a “Lighting” ceremony early in December and keep the tree lit until Christmas is over. A great location would be the front lawn of your local hospital.
Coffee cart service: Every Friday in December, bring treats for the office to sell for a donation.
Make your way around with a coffee cart, asking donations for holiday flavor coffees, hot chocolate, fruit and assorted muffins, breads and holiday cookies. Donors can also be offered the opportunity to decorate a Luminaria bag in memory or honor of a loved one. -
Holiday Decorating Service- Just about everyone loves the Holiday season with all of the beautiful decorations, but not everyone enjoys actually putting them up or especially taking them down. If you have a knack for decorating and a sturdy ladder, offer up your services to string lights and other holiday decorations for a donation to your Relay team.