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Fundraising Tips

Don't be SCARED to fundraise!

01 Setting Goals

Constructing clear impactful statement before your fundraiser begins can help you identify your goals and be able to articulate these goals to your donors. 

02 Create a Timeline

Recognize the logistics of the fundrasier (when, where, etc) and be strict on following it. You would want to create a detailed budget to be ready for every possible expense. This is especially important for fundraisers that incorporate venues or a purchase of a product. 

03 Arrange Assignments

Consider the responsibilities of the members involved in the fundraiser. This will help the process of organizing the fundraiser become easier. 

04 Reach the Public

It is essential to give your supporters an update every few days before the fundraiser in order to reach the full potential of the fundraiser. Invest in appealing imagery to go along with your promotional materials. Advertise your materials through social media, posters, announcements, newsletters, etc. 

05 Execute

Now you let all your hard work come together. Follow your timeline, ensure every member knows what they should do, and make sure to have fun!

06 Determine Your Success

Ask your donors what they liked about the event and what could have improved. Not only will they appreciate you for asking for their opinion, but also you gain an outside perspective on how to improve your fundraising skills. 

Specific Fundraisers

There are three types of fundraisers that you can choose from and help you get inspired on the fundraiser you hope to organize in the future. 

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